Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Google Materialize: I’m impressed

Wandering on the internet I came across this front end web framework called Google materialize and I find it impressive.

You can have a look at it here.

I have been experimenting with twitter bootstrap for some time and currently I am in process of porting my website CouponIndia to bootstrap as my website is not currently mobile friendly.

I liked Google materialise as it looks like the new material design that google has introduced in newer android versions. I always believe that if your target audience is not too tech savvy you should stick to the designs your users are familiar with. As Indians use android phones more than any other platform chances are they will find websites built with Google materialize familiar to use.

I am here not saying that bootstrap is not user friendly and I myself find it very well polished and awesome product with lots of features. I only think Google materialize can be used as its alternative.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Most of my blogs and websites have gone dead.

Need to rejuvenate few.

This time need to be selective.

Too many blogs and websites are making things difficult.

I am letting few domains expire even though they have great potential but time is not on my side.

Lets see how things fold now.

Definitely need a new plan.

Too much learning, too little implementation.

Too much hunger for knowledge is holding me down.

I need to break free.

Why couldn’t I write here more often.

Why can’t I write a tiny post daily even if its a single line.

Let me start with that.