Saturday, September 23, 2017

Joining two hobbies this time

I am a huge fan of creating forums. They are easy to make but very difficult to make them successful. My first successful site was a forum that grew up to 60,000+ members and thousands of posts.
I also look up hostings and servers very frequently. Even though I do not buy them but still I like to surf around looking at them. I never made a successful website about it though.
This time around I am joining these two hobbies of mine and making a web hosting related forum
I recently purchased this domain and installed discourse.
I am finding it very comfortable working on it than the one health-related forum I tried to make earlier.
Have any question about web hosting, VPS or dedicated servers you should ask it in this forum.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Two new websites

I have been planning to do this youtube video making thing for quite some time now and once made one or two videos too. You can find them here. But never managed to do it long term.
I taught in a dental college for 3 years and learnt that most of the students were struggling in my subject human anatomy and it was mostly because we were teaching them in english.
English and all those new words in anatomy were making it very difficult for students to understand things as almost all of the students were hindi speaking.
When I started teaching them in hindi they responded very well.
My classes saw more attendance than other teachers and students learnt and enjoyed far more.
After I left that job I thought about making videos of what I was teaching and make them available for new students. Never managed to do that.
Recently I registered this domain and now I am planning to make not only the videos for anatomy students but videos of whatever I know and put them on youtube and on this website too.

And now about the second website.
Recently I started observing that I like to optimize websites for fast loading and actually wasting a lot of time doing it.
As Google also ranks websites with faster loading time higher lots of other people also do that.
So I registered this domain and I am going to write whatever I have learnt about website optimization and server optimization for faster websites.

The first website will need a lot of work but the second will not.

Lets see what fate these websites hold.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

I am missing something

I have learnt so much still very little productivity.
I need to figure out what I am missing.

Saturday, March 18, 2017


Most of my life I have been apolitical. I never found politics any enjoyable but in recent years because of all the political discourse on social media I gained interest in it.
I went inactive on Facebook few months before 2014 general elections because my known people started posting lots of fake/propaganda statuses on Facebook and I found it annoying. I left Facebook because if I told them the truth many people will take it as personal insult and if they don’t get offended the discussion will waste a lot of my time. Staying silent was not peaceful for me.
The party who was doing most propaganda actually won in that election.
I thought the propaganda will stop after the elections are over and I will return to the old merry Facebook again. Rather the propaganda became more and more aggressive and that is still going on. This made me sad.
I got more active on twitter as not many of my friends are active there thus less chances of loosing friends there.
Doing so I gained some knowledge about politics and I am finding it rather amusing now. Yes sometime annoying too. So decided to write about my political thoughts so I can get some clarity of mind. This is important because politics is so confusing that you don’t realize when you becomes a hypocrite.
If you support a party you start supporting it no matter what. The party or its leader may be doing wrong but as you are their supporter you find a reason to support them while opposite goes with the other parties.
This time around I am choosing a topic that is in news currently and I think is going to explode in coming elections. I am learning about it and making a blog on it.

Lets see how it goes.