Sunday, September 27, 2009

Surviving the writer’s block


Like most of the new bloggers I also struggle with writer’s block. We always think of writing when we are not in position of writing a post, new ideas continuously flows in, we gets very excited about the post ideas but as soon as we sit in front of monitor and put our hands on the keyboard, somehow, all the ideas vaporise and whatever we have thought previously looks very idiotic. Looks familiar situation! no?

Only solution to this situation is to start writing a post and not to think about the idea. If it seems foolish let it be, just write it. I promise even if the idea is really an idiotic one you will definitely feel good that you have finished writing it. And second and more important thing that will happen to you writing that post is that you will definitely get another idea about something that is really a good one and you will enjoy  writing the other post. Try it.

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