Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Make Money in Health Niche

And finally I made this decision that as I am good in medical field I am going to make some bucks in affiliate marketing of some health products. Health products are very profitable and as a doctor I can be some authority too.

Health products have proven to be “pot of gold” for lots of affiliate and as I am professional in this field this is no brainer that I should be in this. I have learnt a lot about making money online niche and I always thought of making my place in that field but the problem is if you haven’t made that much of money that people can thought of you as some person to be followed then there is no sense in trying to jump into that niche.

I already have some nice domains to create websites to promote health products but still I purchased 2 more domain. The old domain were:



The new domains that I purchased are:



You can say the domain getridof.in is not a domain perfect for promoting health product and you may be right but this is a domain that I believe has some real potential in term of search engine ranking. This domain will also let me open my mind a bit to write about different topics.

Acne is one of the most lucrative niche in health care market so I decided to buy this domain bestacnetreatment.in.

My bad luck was that .com .org .net all were sold out on these domains and I have to satisfy with .in TLD but to me that is not at all a bad extension to have as affiliate marketing is in starting phase in India and I will get the benefit of having an India specific domain with nice keyword in it.

Now let me do some keyword research and product research so I can promote some nice offers on these domains.

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