Saturday, September 4, 2010

Learning to Manage Linux Server

Sorry for not updating the blog for few days.
While wandering through the web I came across 2 new things that I want to learn:
1. Building Facebook Apps
2. Managing Linux web server

I recently started to take Facebook seriously because as an internet marketer I need to be at all the places where people are. I made more than 700 friends in about 30 days without spamming. Most of the people are from my own field. If you too wanna join me click here.
Now as I look at Facebook from monetization perspective I see if I can build a decent Facebook app than I can make some bucks. I started reading Facebook developer guides and also borrowed few books:
1. Facebook Application Development
2. Essential Facebook Development
3. Building FAcebook Applications for dummies

I haven't read any of those yet so can't say much about them.
Few ideas are there in my mind but I will be doing some brain storming and mind mapping before actually putting up an application.

Second thing that I started is Learning to manage Linux server. You might have read in my other post that I own a VPS at Servint. Although my VPS is fully managed and I really like the kind of service Servint provides but I still like to do things on my own. Yes there is risk on ruining things but thats what makes it more enjoyable. I am using Cent OS on my VPS so I knew a little bit about doing things on this OS, but I have Ubuntu installed on my laptop so I thought of learning Ubuntu to make learning a bit quicker.
Here is what I learnt until now:
  • Installing Linux (off course)
  • Installing Apache server
  • Installing PHP
  • Installing MySQL
  • Installing SQLite
  • Installing Bind
  • Installing Mailserver
  • Installing memcache
  • Installing Litespeed server
  • Installing NginX server
  • Configuring all that I have installed
  • and ruining most of the things ;-)
Lets see where I reach from here..

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