I started this coupon site couponindia.in for Indian online stores a while back.
Few days ago I was going through the statistics of the site, I noticed that most of the earnings have come through online air/flight booking sites. Although I have thought that mobile phones and electronics should have earned me more.
Lets analyse it now. What are the reasons.
1. Flight booking sites gives more commissions as compared to electronics and gadget sites as they make more from every customer. Look at my favourite site flipkart, they pay 1% commission on mobile phones, 0.5% on computer accessories.
2. Flights are booked by people who have real need and not just hobbyist. These people don’t think about spending money rather they need the facility. If they can save some money that is good but not primary idea.
3. People who book flight/air tickets are earning people or rather say spending people so they can bring you more commissions.
There may be more reasons but I am convinced by these.
Finally, I decided to start a dedicated flight discount coupon site. I looked for domain that can bring some traffic from Google. I always like to have all my primary keywords in the domain name and I searched for Flightdiscountcoupons.com and to my surprise that was available. Now this domain belongs to me and a site is in building process at this domain. Have a look